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Mech & Logo Files for User Panels

We've been completely bowled over by the community support for our products. One of the requests we've had is for the engineering drawings so users can design their own panels. We think this is a great idea so we're publishing them here for free for anyone to use! However, please note these conditions:


  1. SI products are not DIY kits so it's only the panel dimensions we're releasing, not PCBs or Firmware.

  2. We're thrilled if you're making custom SI panels but obviously we can't be liable for any money spent developing them or for any errors in the mech files.

  3. It goes without saying that your panel graphics and wording should refrain from anything that's going to upset a reasonable person.

  4. Please ensure all panels retain

    1. at least our company name (Stochastic Instruments), ideally in Courier but in your house font if it looks better with your design

    2. if possible our SI/bellcurve company logo, ideally in colour (red bellcurve/white SI in Times New Roman) and/or with the bellcurve backlit​

    3. the product name (e.g. SIG Stochastic Inspiration Generator)

    4. our associate's dBs logo and optionally if room "the sound and music institute"​​​​

  5. Please send us pictures—we'll post them via our media channels and credit you! And if you're feeling generous, send us a set, quid pro quo for the mech files!

  6. We can definitely discuss the resale of your panels but would equally definitely need to check the tax situation on definitely no promises!



Download .png of SI layer of our logo

Download .png of bellcurve layer of our logo​

Download .png of our full logo combination with tagline

Download .pdf of dBs full logo



SIG Main Panel Mech File (2019–Aug 2022)

SIG Expander Panel Mech File (2019–Aug 2022)


Integrated SIG+ Panel Mech File (Aug 2022–)



© Stochastic Instruments Ltd. 2021

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